Yes and no! Yes, we do chat about Star Trek, as well as Star Wars, Firefly, Dr. Who, and all sorts of different shows, movies, and fandoms. But that’s not all we do! We also participate in community events, raise funds for charities, and generally have a great time!
2. “Do I have to join STARFLEET to be a Sirius member?”
Technically, no. However, membership in STARFLEET enables you to be an official member, with the option of holding a rank and position on the ship.
3. “Do I have to attend all the meetings?”
Again, technically no – but why the heck would you want to miss one? We’re a fabulous, fun group of people! Come hang out with us! All the cool kids are doing it!
4. “Do I have to live in Horseheads?”
Nope! Our Science Officer lives in Seattle! With today’s technology, there’s no reason you can’t be a part of the Sirius crew!
5. “Do I have to wear a costume?”
While we don’t dress up for regular meetings, some of us do for convention appearances. If you’re not comfortable in costume, though, you can buy a club shirt, or just wear whatever you like.
6. “Is this only for adults?”
Heck no! We love kids!
7. "Why don't you have club dues?"
We're based in Horseheads which, along with the adjacent city of Elmira, is an economically struggling area. Since, in order to be an official member, one must also join Starfleet, it doesn't make sense to have two sets of dues.
8. "Great! How do I join?"
Simply go to the STARFLEET, click on Join/Renew, click on Join Online, enter your information, and then pick the USS Sirius from the Chapter drop down.