
Friday, March 27, 2015

Help Us Plant a Forest!

In honor of Leonard Nimoy, who was, among other things, a passionate environmentalist, the crew of the USS Sirius would like to plant a forest. “Okay…but…how?” you ask. Easy – through the Arbor Day Foundation’s Trees in Memory Program. We’d like to plant as many trees as possible in the Tahoe National Forest, and we need YOUR help!

The program carries a $10 minimum donation, which Acting Captain Jansen has already pledged. After that, every dollar plants a tree. Several of our crewmen have already pitched in, and we’d like to extend the opportunity to our readers, too. Any amount can be donated – from $1 and up. And because every dollar plants a tree, every dollar HELPS!

Funds can be brought to our next meeting on Saturday, March 28th, or sent in via PayPal. Our PayPal ID is usssirius@stny.rr.com.

Here is a link to the program: http://shop.arborday.org/content.aspx?page=commemorative

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